THE ICON AUTOMOTIVE EXHAUST for the NEW BMW G09 XM has arrived. The product offers the answer to a growing demand of clients who are looking for a suitable and easy solution that deals with the augmentation of the sound in an G09 XM. Allthough keeping the simplicity of using the original bmw operating system for the exhaust valves etc.
This is an exhaust system that is not homologated for street-use.
But manufactured with the best possible usability and sound in mind !
This exhaust comes with everything to make sure there are no faultcodes and or limp modes because of the erasing of the opf-filters.
The correct flow is calculated to prevent errors and make sure the sound is incredible!
Included in the pictures you can also find before and after pictures so you can see the quality and the fitment with the original exhaust !
Easy to switch it again to the original exhaust if wanted.
Early bird discount at the moment for the rest of 2023
SOUNDCLIP - https://youtu.be/K_BvYn6bfoI